Registry of Burials


The Registry of Burials below was begun in the 1990s by cemetery staff and covers interments made through December 2021. While it contains 14,472 name entries, the data is incomplete and the registry does not presume to include all the burials in the cemetery prior to 2021.

Other ways to find information about, and locations of, the residents of Grove Street Cemetery are listed on the Resources for Discovery page of our website.

Displaying 9001 - 9030 of 14571
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Date of Burial Location
McNeil, Caroline H. Wednesday, August 2, 1882 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Edward 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Edward Sunday, September 1, 1861 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Elizabeth Saturday, December 13, 1879 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Harry Wednesday, October 13, 1943 Thursday, October 21, 1943 76 Sycamore
McNeil, Henry 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Henry Tuesday, November 29, 1904 76 Sycamore
McNeil, Henry Wednesday, July 5, 1882 76 Sycamore
McNeil, Henry 7 Spruce
McNeil, Jessie Ann Friday, May 7, 1869 Tier l
McNeil, John Thursday, October 19, 1843 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, John Saturday, November 7, 1818 45 Central Ave.
McNeil, Julia B. Monday, August 5, 1901 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, Mary J. Monday, April 6, 1891 76 Sycamore
McNeil, Nancy Ella Saturday, December 23, 1854 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, William Monday, April 7, 1879 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, William Thursday, June 24, 1852 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNeil, William H. Tuesday, December 31, 1872 44 Sylvan Ave.
McNutt, Robert 5 E Laurel Ave.
McWhorter, Alexander Friday, July 2, 1880 77 Laurel Ave.
McWhorter, Henrietta W.B. Sunday, June 2, 1901 77 Laurel Ave.
Mead, Anna R. Saturday, October 30, 1875 Potter's Field
Mead, Charles B. Tuesday, March 2, 1937 Friday, March 5, 1937 E. Holly/Myrtle
Mead, Elizabeth C. Thursday, April 24, 1890 E. Holly Ave.
Mead, George W. Monday, February 9, 1885 15 Holly Ave.
Mead, Mary Anna Sunday, March 23, 1873 Monday, March 8, 1954 Friday, March 12, 1954 E. Holly Path
Mead, Solomon Saturday, June 3, 1905 E. Holly Ave.
Mead, William J. Potter's Field
Mead, William T. Wednesday, July 20, 1870 Potter's Field
Mead, Zilpha Sycamore