Registry of Burials


The Registry of Burials below was begun in the 1990s by cemetery staff and covers interments made through December 2021. While it contains 14,472 name entries, the data is incomplete and the registry does not presume to include all the burials in the cemetery prior to 2021.

Other ways to find information about, and locations of, the residents of Grove Street Cemetery are listed on the Resources for Discovery page of our website.

Displaying 9811 - 9840 of 14571
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Date of Burial Location
Northrop, Joel (M.D.) Saturday, February 9, 1805 35 Central Ave.
Northrop, Lucy S. Monday, April 14, 1884 Wednesday, April 16, 1884 47 Holly Ave.
Northrop, Mabel S. Wednesday, February 11, 1835 35 Central Ave.
Northrop, Martha J. Friday, June 16, 1882 Monday, June 19, 1882 35 Central Ave.
Northrop, Mary Ann Saturday, August 30, 1884 38 Ivy Path
Northrop, Mary E. Friday, January 10, 1902 16 Holly Ave.
Northrop, Mary H. 50 D Cedar Ave.
Northrop, Rhodolphus E. 35 Central Ave.
Northrop, Roderick P. 47 Holly Ave.
Northrop, Samuel B. Thursday, October 12, 1826 35 Central Ave.
Northrop, Stuart J. Thursday, October 22, 1925 Saturday, September 27, 1997 Saturday, October 4, 1997 11 Cypress
Northrop, Victoria G. Friday, May 24, 1918 35 Central Ave.
Norton, Edward Thursday, January 13, 1870 Potter's Field
Norton, Ella V. Friday, February 11, 1870 31 Maple Ave.
Norton, John Pitkin Sunday, September 5, 1852 N.Y.
Norton, T.G. Sunday, January 9, 1870 31 Maple Ave.
Noss, Luther Sunday, July 21, 1907 Thursday, February 9, 1995 Wednesday, February 15, 1995 44 Linden Ave.
Noss, Osea Sunday, November 7, 2004 Wednesday, November 10, 2004 44 Linden Ave
Notestein, Ada Comstock Wednesday, December 12, 1973 Thursday, January 10, 1974 20 Sylvan Ave.
Notestein, Wallace Sunday, February 2, 1969 Thursday, February 6, 1969 20 Sylvan Ave.
Nott, Almira W. Monday, September 21, 1835 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Charles H.R. Saturday, January 4, 1890 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Charles W. Friday, October 10, 1890 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Emily A. Monday, April 11, 1892 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Esther Tuesday, August 16, 1836 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, George R. Thursday, February 11, 1892 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Isaac Saturday, December 12, 1846 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, John Monday, February 12, 1816 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Mary C. Monday, November 9, 1896 Wednesday, November 11, 1896 58 Linden Ave.
Nott, Riley Thursday, December 16, 1847 58 Linden Ave.